Celebrate National Water Quality Month

August 3, 2023 by Kenmore

Water quality of freshwater sources.

It may come as a surprise to you, but less than 3% of the world’s water is freshwater. And only about 1% of it is easily accessible as fresh water in lakes, streams, rivers, wells, and aquifers; the rest is locked up in ice or deep underground. That’s why fresh water is one of the planet’s most valuable resources, and why keeping it clean and pure is such an important priority.

August is National Water Quality Month. It’s the perfect time to consider how freshwater impacts all of our lives, and the lives of other species that share our ecosystem. Knowing where your water comes from makes it easier to understand and appreciate the quality of your local water resources. It can also help you and your neighbors focus on ways to keep these water sources as clean as they can be.

Major Sources of Freshwater Pollution

In the U.S. and Canada, many of us tend to take clean water for granted. In many parts of the world, easy access to clean drinking water is regarded as a privilege more than a right. But the hard truth is this: we simply can’t take it for granted forever. We need to work to preserve our freshwater resources now, and for future generations.

With that in mind, it’s important to understand some of the primary contributors to poor water quality in our environment.

Industrial Dumping – When manufacturers don’t adhere to strict policies and standards, they release industrial waste products into our waterways.

Untreated Waste Leakage – Public sewage systems can, over time, fall into disrepair without continuous maintenance. Inadequately treated sewage can sometimes leak into groundwater as a result.

Agricultural Runoff – Large commercial farms use a great deal of fertilizer, which can flow into neighboring waters and cause excessive algae growth, suffocating fish and other native aquatic species.

Consumer Products and Chemicals – Pesticides and other common chemical products we all use at home and at recreational centers can contaminate our waterways and aquifers.

Water quality of freshwater sources.

How Do I Know If My Local Water Quality is At Risk?

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed an online tool to help you find out the condition of your local water resources, based on local, state, tribal and federal data. This tool, called How’s My Waterway, displays a wealth of useful water-quality information, including…


Water quality in your local watershed

Information on swimming, eating fish and aquatic life

Restoration and protection efforts

Permitted discharger information

Identified Issues (impairments and discharge violations)

Local drinking water information

Water monitoring information


Information about a state’s water program

Summaries of specific water assessments

A state-wide survey of water quality where available

State drinking water metrics


The quality of water resources nationwide and their main challenges

National drinking water information and metrics

Water quality of freshwater sources.

Ways to Celebrate Water Quality Month

Knowing where your fresh water comes from and the state of your local water supply helps in understanding how you can make a difference.

Here are a few simple ways you can help protect water quality in your area…

Organize a Stream Cleanup – You and your friends, neighbors, and community organizations can take an afternoon to pick up unwanted waste and trash from a local stream.

Plant a Tree (or Three!) – No need to wait for Arbor Day… every tree you plant helps prevent erosion that can accelerate waterway pollution.

Pick Up After Your Pet – Nitrogen from animal wastes can remove oxygen from water.

Wash Your Car at a Carwash – Commercial carwashes are required by law to drain into sewer systems so water can be treated before it is re-used.

Take Used Motor Oil & Antifreeze to a Recycling Center or Service Station – They will dispose of it in an environmentally safe manner.

Use a Rain Barrel – Collecting your own rainwater saves you money and can be easily used to water your lawn & landscaping.

Quality Water Begins at Home

One of the best ways to ensure that you and your family can count on clean water at home, every day, is to utilize a whole-home system that reduces “hard water” minerals and other contaminants. Kenmore offers an all-in-one water softener and whole home filter system that delivers all the benefits of soft water while also reducing large particles and chlorine taste and odor throughout your home. And it’s super-easy to live with – no filter changes are required.

Woman drinking fresh water, filtered for water quality.


The Kenmore brand represents 100 years of trusted performance, backed by exclusive features and innovations that no other brand can bring to the table. We’re always evolving to ensure day-to-day tasks are taken care of with faster cooking, better cleaning and more living throughout the home.