Discover Your Gift-Giving Personality
Since we’re all wired up differently, we should use our own unique personality and creativity to make gift-giving more personal. Here’s a list of personality types to help you brainstorm ways to match your personality with the best way to give back to others this holiday.
• Develop a web site or promotional materials for a non-profit group.
• Design a logo and business cards for a community group and help brainstorm fundraising ideas.
Outdoor aficionado
• Sign up for a charity marathon and raise money for a good cause.
• Volunteer as a Christmas caroler to spread cheer in your neighborhood.
Design diva
• Log on to and knit blankets for children in hospitals.
• Teach arts and crafts to a Boys and Girls Club or to residents at a nursing home.
• Help to decorate and fill shoeboxes that will be donated to Operation Christmas.
• Coordinate bake sales for non-profit organizations in your community.
• Lead a canned food drive at your office, place of worship or local mall.
Social butterfly
• Volunteer as a hostess at the Ronald McDonald House or other wellness center.
• Mentor a child through the United Way’s Big Brothers Big Sisters.
• Become a hospice volunteer.
Mr. or Ms. Fix-it
• Lend time assisting with building maintenance at a church or community center.
• Help an older neighbor with more challenging home repairs.
• Volunteer with Habitat for Humanity to help build a home for a family in need.
Have a personality to add to the list?
How have you used your creative personality to give during the holidays?

Amy Clark
Amy Allen Clark has been the driving force behind MomAdvice since 2004. In addition to running a successful community for women and running after her two kids, she has appeared on The Early Show, and in Parents magazine, Redbook, Martha Stewart’s Everyday Food, MSN Money and The New York Times.