Eating in Season: The Locavore Movement, Part One
“Locavore” — buying locally produced goods and eating in-season, part of the sustainability movement that brings us closer to the people who produce our food.
Why buy produce that’s shipped by rail cross-country, when the local farmer’s market offers just-picked fruits and veggies?
How it began
The Locavore movement gained momentum in 2005. That’s when Bay Area resident Jessica Prentice created the Eat Local Challenge, which urged people to dedicate a month to eating only foods produced or grown within a 100-mile radius of San Francisco. Read more about it at You might also like to read Prentice’s book, Three Moon Feast, or Farmer Jane: Women Changing the Way We Eat, by Temra Costa.
You can eat fresh while supporting the local economy by buying directly from the farmer. You’ll enjoy foods that were picked within a day – or sometimes hours – of purchase, and fresher means tastier! Plus, you get the pleasure of strolling through the market, seeing, smelling and tasting, chatting with vendors and feeling the wonderful sense of community. Check for farmer’s markets in your neck of the woods at
Urban chickens
A big trend in some towns right now is keeping chickens. People love them for their fresh eggs. And if you’ve ever had a farm-fresh egg, you know why. Chickens eat kitchen scraps and leftovers, so they “compost” your leftovers!
Next time, we’ll talk about organics and Community Supported Agriculture. In the meantime, tell us: what’s your favorite farmer’s market, and your favorite purchase when you shop there?
Kenmore recommends…
A berry crumble baking in the top oven, a free-range chicken roasting in the bottom oven! Kenmore double oven ranges give you more space and versatility for cooking your local food finds.
Looking for more ways to use your fresh produce? Browse through our recipes and cooking posts!
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