It’s Another 100 Days of Summer Pinterest Board
I had the best time last summer creating our very first 100 days of summer activities board for our family to do and share with you. We had over 6,000 followers to that board and heard from many of you that the board inspired you to tackle fun projects with your kids.
Since that time I have been getting emails and comments requesting that we do another 100 days of summer list with you again! How could we turn away your cries of longing for cool stuff to do with your kids, sweet treats to share with them, and great craftiness on a dime?
I am so excited to share with you the 100 days of summer (’12) edition where you can get another amazing round-up of 100 ideas to inspire your summer bucket list. As I was gathering these ideas, I began to get more and more excited about the summer ahead and what we could do together.
This list has everything from making homemade butterbeer drinks for those Harry Potter enthusiasts, to making homemade shrinky dinks, to getting back to the basics with great dinner discussions with great family conversation starters.
There is something for everyone on here- boys and girls of all ages and craft levels. The best part is that they are ALL budget-friendly and will cost you very little in supplies.
I am looking forward to tackling our own summer list and will be documenting our projects through mobile pictures.You can catch me on Instagram, fellow iPhone and Droid users, where I am documenting our summer. Just search for the username momadvice. Just as a side note, I try to always answer all the comments on my pictures if I can. If you have questions about projects we are doing or just want to say hello, I will do my best to respond!
I still will be sharing our apron full of giveaways and our notebook of inspiration each week. I will also have fresh content through my freelance writing jobs with Snackpicks, Kenmore, Goodwill, Glad, & Walmart that will keep our site fully loaded with great ideas for your summer. Best of all, a weekly meal planner will be available to you to help you plan your summer menus.
On Tuesdays though, I will be sharing what we are working on from our summer list through mobile pictures and quick notes on what fun activities we are doing at our house. I am hoping it will be an inspiration to you to get out and enjoy the summer with your children. I can’t say we will tackle a hundred activities, but I will be awfully proud if we do one cool activity a week.
I hope you will enjoy our laid-back inspiration this summer! I want to enjoy every moment I have with these two kids- my time with them is so fleeting and precious to me. I plan to soak up every moment with them that I can.
Cheers to an amazing summer with your families!

Amy Clark
Amy Allen Clark has been the driving force behind MomAdvice since 2004. In addition to running a successful community for women and running after her two kids, she has appeared on The Early Show, and in Parents magazine, Redbook, Martha Stewart’s Everyday Food, MSN Money and The New York Times.