Maple Leaf Farms Whole Heavenly Duck
My recent trip to China town inspires me to cook duck. So after devouring the entire duck and identifying each flavor and ingredient I will need, I head off to my own kitchen to recreate this timeless master piece utilizing the beautiful Maple Leaf Farms whole duck. Read more at
preparation time
20 mins
cook time
8 pounds Whole Duck untrimmed
1 salt and pepper
4 tablespoons duck fat
1 Orange large whole without seeds
3 large garlic clove minced
3 tablespoons fresh ginger minced
0.25 cup fresh cilantro rough chop
0.5 teaspoons black peppercorns
1 tablespoons ground chilies
2 tablespoons cocnut butter
4 tablespoons honey
0.25 cup fresh mint leaves
2 cup Duck Stock
Cooking Instructions
Season duck generously with salt pepper. Pre-heat a large crock pot to medium-high. In a separate pan, brown your whole duck on all sides using the duck fat. This should take about 12 minutes. Transfer to plate and allow cooling. If there's too much duck fat in your pan, pour it off Add orange, garlic, ginger, lemongrass, cilantro, and peppercorns to your crock pot. Pour in broth and stir to combine, scraping up any browned bits into the crock pot. Now add your whole duck into the crock pot and liquid. Bring to a simmer without the lid and then reduce heat to medium-low, and cover to braise duck until tender, about 1 1/2 hours. Once the entire duck is tender, remove the lid, turn off the crock pot and carefully remove the duck from the pot. Observe the skin and make sure it's not damaged in the move. Try and keep the skin in tack and transfer to a sheet pan. Pre-heat your oven to broil. In a mixing bowl combine chilies, salt, honey and coconut butter. Generously slather the ducks skin with the sweet and spicy mixture. Once the duck is completely covered and the oven is at 500 degrees add the duck to the broiler. Brown the skin in the oven until bubbly and deep brown, rotating often and getting the most even color as possible. Once your duck is completely browned remove and allow cooling for 45 minutes. Strain the cooking liquid from the crock pot and place in a sauce pan, adjust the seasoning with chilies, salt and lime juice, reduce by half. You should have syrup of deep brown goodness. A little optional trick you can add one bag of minted tea to your reduction for huge deep flavors. Once your duck is cooled and your sauce is thickened serve the duck with the sauce as whole or you may to decide to break up the duck into manageable size portions. Garnish with citrus and cilantro and pour carefully your reduction to preserve the glass skin

Fyi Network chef personality, Food Network host, World Food Championships Host, Chef, author Southern Routes, caffeine inspired.