Slow Cooker Hot Chocolate Bar (Grown-up Version included)
The kids will be gathered around the kitchen when the smells of hot cocoa are being served up in this holiday fashion! Complete this drink with my elf pillows and snowman’s buttons for a tasty addition. Happy Eating!
preparation time
10 mins
cook time
0.67 cup hot water
0.5 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
14 MSR 3 can of sweetened condensed milk
1.5 cup heavy cream
6 cup whole milk
0.5 cup sugar
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
With a big helper in the kitchen, let them put the hot water and cocoa into a bowl and you can help to stir it. Make sure to get out all those big lumps. They taste icky if you eat them! Have your big helper get out your Kenmore Slow Cooker and put the sweetened condensed milk, heavy cream, whole milk, sugar, vanilla extract, and salt inside of it. Take a big spoon and give it a good stir then add in that hot cocoa mixture you just made. Now press the button on the front of the slow cooker that says low and 3 hours. I know it seems like a long time but now you can finish helping shovel the snow outside! Oh but make sure to come back inside to give the hot chocolate a good stir every hour. When it's almost time to drink the hot chocolate, have your big helper put the other ingredients into small bowls with a label on them so everyone knows the difference between elf pillows and reindeer food. Now have your helper ladle one big scoop into your favorite mug and now it's up to you to put in all your favorite toppings! Make sure to thank your big helper and give them a big kiss Happy Eating! *For big helpers eyes only: When the little ones are fast asleep, add in 1 cup of cinnamon flavored whiskey to the hot chocolate and invite the neighbors over!

Kari Karch
Kari Karch is a 19-year veteran of the culinary industry, creator of Kiss the Cook, and the head chef and spokesperson for the Kenmore brand. She has made many notable appearances on ABC Morning News, on WGN, on the Cooking Channel and as a judge for the World Food Championships.