Spookily Delicious: 8 Halloween Recipes
Whether you’re hosting a bunch of little goblins for a party or keeping it quiet on All Hallow’s Eve, these spookily delicious recipes will keep you satiated.
Spooky Halloween Chocolate Skeleton Cookies: Pull out that gingerbread cookie cutter and give it a skeletal makeover!
Nutter Butter Ghosts: This easy recipe is perfect for getting the kids involved. Simply dip store bought cookies into melted white chocolate and then finish off with chocolate chip eyes.
Halloween Witch Hat Cookies: This is another kid-friendly recipe that uses store-bought ingredients to make a fun treat.
The Most Spook-tacular Blooooody Mary: The most fitting cocktail for Halloween brunch is, of course, the Bloody Mary.
Spider Web Taco Dip: This easy dip takes a spooky turn with the addition of a sour cream “web” and plastic spiders.
Halloween Sangria: Leave the candy to the kids and kick back with an adult beverage. Severed hand is optional.
Pumpkin Cake Pops: Who doesn’t love a cake pop?! Give them the Halloween touch by making little jack-o-lanterns.
Pumpkin Hand Pies: You don’t have to go kitschy for Halloween. These pumpkin hand pies are a great grown up treat.

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