Stone Fruit Pie

November 19, 2013 by Kenmore


preparation time
0 mins

cook time




2 cup unbleached flour Crust

1 cup butter flavored Crisco Crust

0.5 cup ice water Crust

0.25 teaspoons salt Crust

1 pounds apricots, peeled Filling

1 pounds peaches, peeled Filling

1 pounds plums Filling

0.5 cup sugar Filling

6 tablespoons King Arthur pie enhancer Filling

0.25 teaspoons freshly grated nutmeg Filling

0.13 teaspoons cinnamon Filling

0.5 teaspoons lemon extract Filling

1 large egg, beaten to blend Filling


Step 1: Crust

Cut Crisco into flour. Dissolve salt in the water.

Step 2: Crust

Add water to flour mixture and knead until smooth dough is formed. Wrap tightly in saran wrap and store in refrigerator overnight.

Step 3: Crust

Roll out one crust, fit into pie plate, and place back into refrigerator for at least a half hour before using.

Step 1: Filling

Preheat oven to 400 F. Halve, pit, and cut fruit into 1/2" thick slices. Place all fruit in a large bowl. Add 1/2 cup sugar and toss to coat. Let sit at room temperature for 1 hour, tossing occasionally.

Step 2: Filling

Strain fruit, reserving 1/4 cup of liquid; return fruit to same bowl.

Step 3: Filling

Whisk pie enhancer and reserved fruit liquid in a small bowl. Add pie enhancer mixture, nutmeg, cinnamon, and lemon extract, if using, to fruit; toss gently.

Step 4: Filling

Pour fruit mixture into unbaked pie crust in dish.

Step 1: Lattice Pie Top

Using a pizza wheel or a sharp knife, cut 14" dough round into 3/4" wide strips. Weave strips over filling, forming a lattice. Trim strips 1/2" shorter than dough overhang. Fold overhang over strips and crimp edges decoratively. For this pie, I used a pie top cutter to give the top an unusual decorative look.

Step 2: Lattice Pie Top

Brush beaten egg over crust and lattice. Sprinkle sugar glitter over crust. Set pie on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet.


Bake pie for 40 minutes. Reduce oven temp to 350 F. Bake until crust is golden brown and juices bubble, about 40 mins longer. Let cool on a wire rack. Makes 1 pie or 8 servings.


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