Summer Hostess Gifts: DIY Slow Cooker Citronella Candles
One of my favorite things in my arsenal of kitchen tools is my slow cooker. You may not have thought of your Kenmore slow cooker as a tool you can use for summer gift-giving, but today I am showing you how easy it is to make DIY Slow Cooker Citronella Candles for hostess gifts with a free printable to thank your hostess for her hard work.
Making candles sounds like something an advanced crafter might tackle, but it is one of the easiest projects I have ever done, thanks to my slow cooker. I purchased the supplies in bulk online for this project, but you could also try this on a smaller scale and purchase the supplies for these at your local craft store.
Supplies Needed
- Empty Quart Size Paint Cans (found at my local hardware store)
- Soy Wax Flakes (you need approximately 1 pound per candle you are making)
- 6″ Candle wicks
- Citronella Essential Oil
- Slow Cooker (or two if you have them!)
- Food/Postage Scale
- Bamboo Skewer
- Pencils
- Card stock (for printing your tags)
- Bakers twine, yarn, or raffia to tie your gift tag
1. Measure and weigh out 14 ounces of soy wax flakes for each paint can in a glass measuring cup (be sure to tare your scale). It should fill the can almost to the top, and we will be adding more flakes after the first round melts down and creates more space inside the can. Repeat the measuring with all of the other candles you plan to prepare.
2. Add an inch or two of water to your slow cooker to create a water bath for your candles. Nestle the paint cans inside the slow cooker, place a lid on top, and turn it on HIGH for two hours. As the wax melts down, feel free to add more wax in your can to the desired height.
3. Once the two hours has passed, open the lid and add 15-20 drops of Citronella to each candle (approximately 1 ml of oil). Using a bamboo skewer, stir each candle after adding the oil. Turn your slow cooker off, then add your candle wick in the center of each candle. Take a pencil and wrap the top of the wick to the middle of it and allow it to help stand the candle up in the center. Leave the candles in the slow cooker until the wax begins to harden. Remove the paint cans to prevent any rusting that could be created inside your water bath, drying your can well with a dish towel. Allow the candles to fully harden on your countertop.
4. The next day, trim your wicks and attach our printable for an adorable hostess gift for your next summer barbecue.
How easy is that? I now have five gifts to share for a summer filled with family, friends, and delicious food. If candle-making isn’t your thing, check out these neon paint-dipped spoons I created last summer for my favorite Kenmore readers!
Grab your free printable HERE for our “Thanks for letting us bug you” gift tag!

Amy Clark
Amy Allen Clark has been the driving force behind MomAdvice since 2004. In addition to running a successful community for women and running after her two kids, she has appeared on The Early Show, and in Parents magazine, Redbook, Martha Stewart’s Everyday Food, MSN Money and The New York Times.