Tips for Drying Laundry on a Clothesline
Drying your laundry on a clothesline is a great way to make use of one of Earth’s best resources: the sun. Line drying is gentle on clothes, gives you an excuse to get outside while doing chores and saves a little energy. While use a clothesline is fairly straightforward, these tips will help make the experience even easier.
Use vinegar in the rinse cycle: One of the complaints about drying clothes on a line is that they get stiff. This seems especially true with towels and jeans. To avoid this, add a little vinegar or fabric softener to the rinse cycle.
Give your laundry a snap: Before you clip your laundry to the line, shake out the wrinkles.
Hang shirts upside down: To avoid unsightly bumps on the shoulders, hang shirts from the bottom hem.
Turns pants inside out: Thick denim pants can take a long time to dry on the line. Turning them inside out will help the pockets dry faster.
Give them space: Try not to crowd your laundry too close on the clothes line. Give everything a little room to blow in the wind.
Shade your colors: While the sun’s bleaching abilities can be great for brightening your whites, it can fade your darks and colors. Turn dark or brightly colored laundry inside out before hanging on the line.
Line drying isn’t for everyone or every occasion. Shop the full line of energy-efficient Kenmore washers and dryers at
Image credit: Mike LaCon via Creative Commons License

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