5 Last-Minute Halloween Costumes Inspired by Home
Sometimes you want to stay home on Halloween. And sometimes you want to dress like things in your home on Halloween! Check out these five costumes that are inspired by things around the house. They’re all easy enough to be whipped up at the last minute. Such as when you forget that the office is having a costume party this year. You read that email, right?
If you should find yourself with child this Halloween, use that pregnancy to your advantage with this bun in the oven costume. This is also a great way to announce a pregnancy! Source: The Maternity Gallery
You’ll need to sacrifice a basket for this dirty laundry costume, but it’s great for a quickie costume that can be made at the last minute. Plus, Halloween might be the one time of year when it’s ok to air your dirty laundry. Source: I Love to Dream, Do You?
You got asked to a party. “I’m going to stay home and soak in the tub,” you said. You just didn’t want to have to come up with a costume. Show up in this bubble bath costume and cover your half-truth! Source: Babble
This costume takes little more than a dry cleaning bag and a clothes hanger. Cut the bottom wire of the clothes hanger so that you can wear it on your hand. Cut holes for your head and arms in the bag. Voila! You’ve taken yourself to the cleaners! Source: Etsy Blog
Dust bunnies may be a household nuisance, but they can also inspire an easy costume. Use cotton balls or fake spider webs and smudge yourself with “dirt.” You can also carry a broom or floor cleaner as a prop. Source: Mr. Kate
• Creepify Your Kitchen for Halloween
• Spookily Delicious: 8 Halloween Recipes

Jason Loper
Jason Loper is a self-professed doyen of the domestic arts. In other words, he hasn’t met a household project he hasn’t enjoyed tackling. His latest project is renovating a Frank Lloyd Wright-designed American System-Built Home in Iowa.