Dirty Laundry Rocks Kenmore Live Studio
It’s no joke when your washer or dryer doesn’t work like it used to – and even worse when incriminating stains stick to your clothes. Essentially, any breakdown in the chain of command makes laundry a painful duty on par with facing a raging mother-in-law.
Last Thursday in downtown Chicago at the new Kenmore Live Studio, a load of laundry humor provided some solidarity for anyone facing those issues. Everyone there had the chance to enjoy the first live episode of Kenmore’s sketch comedy series, “Dirty Laundry.”
Gary and Suzy Breen, a married couple who might not get each other but definitely understand today’s challenges of laundry life, hosted this first episode. Their “different solutions to different problems” weren’t always the most useful, but they were usually the funniest.
Like most married couples, Gary and Suzy didn’t always agree on those solutions. And that’s when they started to mix up their laundry struggles with marital mishaps and misunderstandings. It took some fairly entertaining impromptu laundry room counseling, and some advice on how to pick the right laundry pair, to sort the whole mess out and smooth things over. But the couple at the center of this show was in dire need of some serious therapy. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Speaking of therapy, Gary’s triumphant rendition of a new laundry room anthem, a “cleaner” take on Queen’s “We Will Rock You,” seemed to cleanse him of some serious demons.
Gary quickly handed out different sized Kenmore washboards to the crowd. And like a high school music teacher counting off the beats, he pounded out a roughly metallic rhythm while everyone scrubbed, scraped and chanted “We Will, We Will…WASH YOU!”
It was a fun way to close out the night. And if you missed it, don’t worry. You can take a look at all the action, find out more about “Dirty Laundry” and check out upcoming Live Studio events on the Kenmore Facebook page.

The Kenmore brand represents 100 years of trusted performance, backed by exclusive features and innovations that no other brand can bring to the table. We’re always evolving to ensure day-to-day tasks are taken care of with faster cooking, better cleaning and more living throughout the home.