To Dye For: 3 Ways to Make Patterned Easter Eggs
Now that you know how to make hard boiled eggs in the microwave there’s no excuse not to dye eggs this Easter. And whether this is your first time dyeing Easter eggs or your fiftieth, it’s always fun to try new methods. This year, we’re particularly partial to patterns on our Easter eggs. Check it out:
3 Easy Ways to Make Patterned Easter Eggs
1. Floral Print: Use cheesecloth to wrap small leaves and other foliage around the egg before dipping it in a dye bath. Unwrap the egg after coloring and you’ll find fun floral prints.
2. Sticker Print: Place stickers on the egg before dying. Remove stickers after the dye has dried to reveal patterns. This could also work with masking tape to crate easy chevrons and other striped patterns.
3. Rubber Band Print: Wrap the egg with rubber bands before dying. Place all the rubber bands in the same direction or criss cross to create unique patterns.
• 8 Lamb Recipes for Easter and Beyond
• 3 Creative Easter Projects to Try This Year
• Hop to It: How to Make Embroidery Thread Eggs
• Sugar Cookie Bunnies
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Jason Loper
Jason Loper is a self-professed doyen of the domestic arts. In other words, he hasn’t met a household project he hasn’t enjoyed tackling. His latest project is renovating a Frank Lloyd Wright-designed American System-Built Home in Iowa.