How to Make a Candy Bouquet Gift for Father’s Day
How to Make Your World’s Sweetest Dad a Candy Bouquet by Amy Allen Clark
I don’t mean to brag, but my kids are so blessed to have such an incredible Dad. He is the ultimate go-to guy from helping the kids with their homework, to kicking around the soccer ball, to indulging my daughter in her fancy tea parties, to the ultimate bedtime storyteller.
This Father’s Day we wanted to make a gift that we just knew he would love to show just how special he is to us. Our Dad happens to have a sweet tooth so we decided to make him a candy bouquet that he could place on his desk at work when those sweet tooth cravings strike!
The best part about this gift though is that it only takes fifteen minutes to create, costs about $20 in supplies, and can be created with your kids in honor of their favorite Dad.
Supplies List:
- 1 floral foam brick
- Hot glue gun & glue sticks
- 12 long round dowels, wooden skewers, or popsicle sticks (depending on how tall you want your bouquet)
- 4 theater-size candy bars or boxes of candy
- 12 full-size candies
- Tissue paper (plain or patterned)
- Cardstock, stickers, markers, or crayons for your card
Instructions for Making Your Candy Bouquet
1) Begin by grabbing a large candy bar and add four dabs of hot glue on each corner of the back of the bar and hold it to secure on each side of your floral foam brick. Repeat the same process with the other three candy bars, until the brick is completely covered in the candy to create your candy “vase.”
2) Take out your round dowel and add a line of hot glue to it and promptly secure to your full-size candy packages. Repeat the same process with your other eleven packages of candy.
3) While you are securing the candy to the dowels, have your child create their own, “World’s Sweetest Dad,” card to give with the gift. Emily designed her card with a candy font that she created for her card, but let your own child’s creativity shine in this element of the project. Arm your child with fun stickers, markers, and crayons to create their card.
4) Stick the twelve dowels of candy into the center of the brick. Stick some in deeper than others, to create a more staggered design, alternating candy varieties in your bouquet.
5) Finish your bouquet by covering the top of the floral brick with tissue paper. Due to the narrow width of the brick, I cut one piece of tissue paper into four and used those four squares to create the tissue paper on the four sides of the brick.
That’s it! Wasn’t that a fun and easy project to do together?
We are wishing all of our favorite dads out there a, “Happy Father’s Day!” We know you work hard, Dad, so we hope this sweet gift will be a welcome treat that can be enjoyed as you take a break for yourself and are reminded how much you are appreciated!
What great Father’s Day gifts do you have planned? Share your great ideas in the comments below!

Amy Clark
Amy Allen Clark has been the driving force behind MomAdvice since 2004. In addition to running a successful community for women and running after her two kids, she has appeared on The Early Show, and in Parents magazine, Redbook, Martha Stewart’s Everyday Food, MSN Money and The New York Times.