Tips for Keeping Your Home’s Busiest Areas Organized
In our house, some areas get more traffic than others. And I know it’s hard to keep those areas organized all the time. But I’ve found that using a few organizing tools and scheduling tips can help keep your family on track and make sure your home’s hectic areas are as neat and orderly as possible.
For my family, the two busiest areas of my home are the kitchen and the bathroom. I’ll go through those areas and share with you how I keep them streamlined in our home. Then I’ll show you how to plan ahead and save time with a weekend sorting routine.
The Kitchen
Like most families, the kitchen is the center of the action. I’ve got an area where the kids keep all their school supplies. We also keep a big plastic tub on top of the refrigerator for important papers. Each night, we go through it to see what we need to do or arrange for the next day.
If you need something more visible, you could also mount a bulletin board/calendar with space to pin up papers and information, and update it with scheduling notes in a different color for each family member.
When it comes to organizing the pantry, I want to encourage my kids to be as independent as possible, so I keep lunch supplies and snacks on lower shelves so they can pack their own lunches.
Of course, the bigger issue in our house is the bathroom! Bath time is easier if you can find ways to streamline the routine.
A plastic bucket or shower tote is a great way to keep each child’s bath supplies together. We’ve attached hooks low on the wall so the kids can keep towels and robes off the floor.
One of my favorite tricks is to designate a color for each kid’s towels and accessories. It makes finding and sorting that much simpler.
I store wipes and non-toxic cleaning supplies within reach of children and teach them to clean up small messes by themselves.
Sunday sorting
By the time Sunday rolls around, I want to get organized for the upcoming week. A few minutes spent Sunday night can save me hours. I do as much dinner prep as I can on Sundays, which helps me get dinners on the table faster. What a good feeling to get something organized ahead of time!
• Plan, prepare and freeze meals for the week.
• Go over the family calendar.
• Pick out each child’s clothing; find sports gear.
• Make next-day lunches and clear the clutter, with help from the kids.
What do you do to help keep your family on track?

Amy Clark
Amy Allen Clark has been the driving force behind MomAdvice since 2004. In addition to running a successful community for women and running after her two kids, she has appeared on The Early Show, and in Parents magazine, Redbook, Martha Stewart’s Everyday Food, MSN Money and The New York Times.