Keeping a Resolution
Each and every year on New Year’s Eve I make the same exact resolutions and within two weeks from the go date, I end up failing. It’s my own fault because there is some epic event I just have to attend, someone’s birthday party with lots of delicious and fattening cake, a friends pot luck that is crawling with calorie-ladened casseroles, or even a quiet Friday night where a bowl of vegetables just won’t do the trick and a slice of sausage pizza with a root beer will solve all of my problems. Yes, like most Americans, I give into the idea that having a resolution at one point of the year will get me on track and that I will stay there. But this year was different. I started my journey about 3 weeks before New Year’s and really got back into the swing of having a workout schedule. We all make excuses to why we cannot make it to the gym for an hour out of our day, but we can sit like a tub of Jell-O in front of the tube for hours and just hate ourselves in the morning.
Well I said no more. No more making excuses, no more feeding my emotions with a slice of pizza rather than a healthy spinach and banana smoothie, and no more putting myself down in front of the mirror. I began my journey with small goals in mind, and by using this method, I’m not setting myself up for a big epic fail. Instead of proclaiming that I will drop 12 pounds and look amazing in that Victoria’s Secret bikini I’ve had in my closet for an undisclosed amount of years by summer, I decided to make a weekly goal of lifting different weights at the gym, taking a new and exciting workout class (no matter how much of an ass I make of myself), and to not have the second or third glass of wine when out with friends. What happened next was one of those defining moments when I finally realized the art of learning to love yourself no matter how much you want scream that you cannot lose that tummy bulge. The moment I stopped being so negative and started pointing out the things that I think are beautiful about myself, the more I yearned to get my booty in the gym, hit up a Bikram yoga class, and cook myself an array of healthy meals each night instead of wasting money on take-out.
There is by no means a magic pill or ‘diet’ that works as well as hard work and dedication with exercise and nutrition. I am by no means a doctor, but learning to love yourself and just take a couple extra steps when it comes to the foods you put in your body, leads to a more clear head and happy heart.
As of this week, it’s been almost a month that I stopped drinking alcohol. Crazy right? Well I can tell you this much, I don’t have a hangover on Sunday morning; I have extra cash in my bank, and 6 pounds less on my bum. Baby steps. Little changes every day, and I promise, you will find your inner warrior who wants to live a healthy and nutritious lifestyle and live a lot longer.
Here is a great recipe that I live by each morning to get me energized and full until lunch. It’s my Berry Banana Smoothie and it’s cheap and so good for you! Try it and let me know what you think…I’d love to hear from you.
As always, Happy Eating and be sure to follow me on Twitter @Chitownchef
Berry Banana Smoothie
- 1 cup spinach
- ½ cup organic blueberries
- 1 banana
- 1 teaspoon chia seeds
- 1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder
- 1 cup almond milk
- Handful of ice cubes
In a blender, blend all ingredients and serve immediately. Enjoy!
Kari Karch
Kari Karch is a 19-year veteran of the culinary industry, creator of Kiss the Cook, and the head chef and spokesperson for the Kenmore brand. She has made many notable appearances on ABC Morning News, on WGN, on the Cooking Channel and as a judge for the World Food Championships.