Cooking, Cleaning & Living: The Top 10 Kenmore Blog Posts of 2016
Here on the Kenmore blog we publish posts that help you be amazing in three categories of home life: cooking, cleaning and living. In 2016 we published more than one hundred blog posts covering everything from holiday prep to home hacks. The following ten posts were the most popular of the year.
How to Properly Store Food for the Freezer: Whether it’s because you’re trying to economize or simply trying to make your life a little easier, freezing food for later use is quick and easy.
10 Foods You Didn’t Know You Could Cook on the Grill: We’re all familiar with burgers and brats, but there are a lot of other ways to get creative with the grill.
Microwave Hacks: Your microwave does a lot of heavy lifting, especially when it comes to helping you defrost ingredients and getting that leftover Chinese takeout to the perfect temperature.But did you know that it can also help with getting more juice from a lemon or reviving stale bread? Check out all the tips in this microwave hacks blog post.
8 Things You Can Wash in the Dishwasher … And 7 You Can’t: We gathered a few surprising things you can toss in the washer to help keep things clean around the house. And we also cleared up some questions about what you shouldn’t wash in the dishwasher.
Hacks for Stubborn Kitchen Messes: As every home cook knows, there are some messes that seem to be a little more stubborn than others. That’s likely one of the reasons that this post resonated with readers. From grease splatters to rust on stainless steel, this post will help you get past those stubborn messes and back to the tidy kitchen you know and love.
5 Signs It May Be Time to Replace Your Oven: These commercials from Sears were so much fun. Wouldn’t it be nice if we all lived with a magical voiceover that would announce when our appliances are about to bite the dust?
Recipe for Success: 5 Basic Cooking Skills Everyone Should Know: Whether you’re just discovering a love of homecooked meals or you need to brush up on some skills you might have missed, Kenmore’s Executive Chef, Kari Karch, shares her basics.
9 Things to Launder Before Fall & Winter: Remember when winter felt like a far off future? Back then we were thinking about all the stuff we should wash before cold weather sets in. So which of our nine things did you launder before old man winter arrived? Even though it’s the new year, it’s still not too late.
7 Home Hacks to Make Your Life Easier, Prettier and More Amazing: When we worked with a group of Instagrammers to create simple home hacks, we had no idea exactly how helpful the tips would be. From homemade potpourri to removing static with aluminum foil, this is a post you’ll want to bookmark for future reference.
Connecting the Home: Introducing New Kenmore Products: Back in the summer, we put on a press event where we showcased the new products coming from Kenmore in 2016 and 2017. Some of those items – like the Kenmore TV and Kenmore Elite Smart Room Air Conditioner – debuted in the last half of 2016. Others – like the Kenmore Elite SMART Washer and Dryer – will start rolling out in the new year.
Stay tuned to the Kenmore blog in 2017 for more home hacks, life tips and appliance announcements.

The Kenmore brand represents 100 years of trusted performance, backed by exclusive features and innovations that no other brand can bring to the table. We’re always evolving to ensure day-to-day tasks are taken care of with faster cooking, better cleaning and more living throughout the home.